I was just thinking about how blessed I have been. I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful daughters, the best two sons-in-law in the world, and a the most beautiful granddaughter ever (as is evidenced by the picture). Besides that I have a wonderful extended family and a church family that truly brings joy to my life. God is Good. While thinking of my blessings, I also think about things that are weighing on my heart right now. I have a good friend who is battling cancer. Friends who have lost jobs. Friends who are going through personal struggles. These things are hard to understand, but I still know that God is in control and that He can work it out, if we allow Him to do so.
My prayer for each of you is that you put God first in your life and see how the blessings pile up.
On a lighter note.... The weather here has warmed up a bit. Hopefully the groundhog does whatever he does to show that Spring is close at hand. One way or the other, it should be warm by May!!!