I am SO excited. Shyla & Clay are coming for a visit!!!!! Yeah!!!! We haven't seen them since August - which is much too long. They won't be here until late April, but I can hardly wait. Now I have to set up some fun things to do!!!
In other news....Spring is trying to arrive in Billings. Monday it was 65 degrees, but then again, Tuesday was 35, and today it is snowing. AAAAAHHHHH Springtime in the Rockies. I know that Spring will eventually arrive and with it yard work - hey maybe Winter isn't such a bad idea after all!!
Another harbinger of Spring is we have more birds coming around. One of these birds is a Flicker. If you know what a Flicker is, it is akin to a woodpecker and that it what it does. It will rat-a-tat on the side of our house or on the metal flue of the fire place. What a sound that is!! Bruce wants to buy a pellet gun, I want to buy a statue of an owl - they are supposed to scare them away, plus owl statues won't put any one's eye out.
In other, other news...Sassy turned 9 on Sunday. For those of you who don't know, Sassy is our tiny poodle. She is barely 5 pounds, but she sees herself as a Rottweiler. Where we live now we have squirrels in our yard - which I love - and Sassy loves to bark at them. I am trying to train her that they are our friends, and we don't want to scare them off.
That's about all that is going on around here. I hope where you live it is warm and sunny. I'll leave you with a little quote about Spring.
Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
Doug Larson