Friday, January 28, 2011

The Great Thaw...

The Bible says to ask and ye shall receive. My last post I was lamenting the glacier on our street. Well, the last few days it has warmed up and the glacier is slowly receding. Hopefully it will make enough progress so that when it snows again - probably next week - we won't be using our automobiles as sleds.

I am thankful for any small dent in the ice!!!

I am also anticipating the arrival of February 2nd - Ground Hog Day. Maybe Punxsutawny Phil will not see his shadow and Spring will be upon us soon!!! One can only hope.

Monday, January 24, 2011


We have had the Mendenhall glacier on our street for over a month and I want it to hurry up and recede! That's what glaciers are supposed to do isn't it? We are supposed to have temperatures in the 40's this week, so I hope it will put a huge dent in the ice fields around town.

There, I'm don venting for the day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well we have bid adieu to 2010 and have welcomed 2011. It seems strange that I am only 53, but have lived in 7 decades. Not sure how it works, but it does!!!

This year has brought many blessings: good health, close ties with family and friends, happiness, enjoyment of God's nature, and so many more blessings that I cannot count them.

Our prayer for this new year is for health and happiness for our immediate and extended families. May God bless each of you.