It has been 10 years, but in some ways it seems like yesterday. When I see the pictures and hear the stories, the pain returns in waves just as it did on that fateful day.
When I first saw the fire pouring from towers one and two, I truly believed the death toll would be in the 10 thousand range. At that time of day, in that city, in those buildings, how could it be any less? I think we were "fortunate" that there weren't more killed. (nothing about that day can be considered fortunate)
Watching the documentaries, seeing the brave firemen and policemen that ran into those infernos, gives me a new respect of those public servants we so often complain about. Having had brothers and brothers-in-law that were firefighters, I have always respected their bravery and dedication.
Asking why doesn't really help. What we really need to ask is how can we prevent this from happening again. I understand that we won't be able to be completely safe from fanatics, but I think we should make every effort to build a world where hate and fear are not the norms.
If anything has touched your heart on this 10th anniversary of our nation's terrible tragedy, please dedicate yourself to building a better world in any way you can. Volunteer, perform acts of kindness, get involved in your community, or at the very least, pray.
May God bless our nation with peace.