We have had the privilege of spending time with both daughters, sons-in-law, and granddaughters in the last month.
Let's start with our trip to OKC. We went down to watch Shyla's Regatta. We had wanted to see her row since she began, but this was our first opportunity. The weather was perfect and we had a great time.

Here is Shyla and her partner returning up river after their double.

This is a dramatic (admittedly less so than Clay's) photo from the bridge. Really cool angle, don't you think?
Another thing we did while in the city was to visit the zoo. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE elephants, and baby elephants in particular. Well, the OKC zoo had a baby elephant born in March, and I just had to see it. It was well worth it. We got to see it play in the water, nurse, etc. It was SOOOOO cute!

Here is a picture of the cute "little" thing. (If something can be considered little when it weighed 300 pounds at birth!)

Here she is with her mom. Her mom was none too gentle with her, but that isn't unusual with first time elephant mothers.
Another cutie at the zoo was the baby chimp. It had lost a portion of its arm in an accident at another zoo and the chimps here accepted her and loved her. She was so cute and very entertaining.

In an odd coincidence, our good friends, Robin & Steve Scovel, were in OKC at the same time. They were down there seeing their first grandchild - Ford. He is beautiful, but Grandma & Grandpa took time out to go to the zoo with us. Here is Robin feeding the giraffe. It was great fun.

September flowed into October and we got a visit from Jim, Alyson, Lily and Grace. The weather was a bit snarky, so we had to fit things in between rain storms. I have been saving up old bread to be able to feed the ducks. We did this once before with Lily and she really enjoyed it, so I decided we would do it again.
Lily had a great time and even got some of the ducks to eat out of her hand.

Grace was less impressed.

We also carved pumpkins. Here is Lily with the finished products. SPOOKY!!!

One of Grace's favorite things is to show off her belly button. All you have to do is ask and she will quickly oblige!

Lily liked to sit in "Gramby's" chair and tease me. I asked for a really cute picture of her and she put on a beautiful smile!

We loved both visits and always look forward to the next time we can be together.