Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Sue...

Today would have been my mother-in-law, Sue's, 75th birthday. She is sorely missed by everyone who knew her.
One of the things I miss most about Sue is her smile. She had a smile on her face quicker than just about anyone I know.
I also miss her craftiness. Not being sly, being crafty!! She had a great sense of style and she loved to paint things and make things. I remember the first family tree she painted on her wall in the country. I had never thought of a family tree as a tree painted on the wall with pictures hanging on the limbs, but I will never think of the term family tree with out picturing that painting.
Sue LOVED her grandkids. I know that all grandma's love their grandkids, but Sue took it to a new level. She bragged about them and talked about them all the time. Her grandkids loved her right back. Some of our girls' favorite memories of their childhood was the times they spent with Grandma Sue & Papa in the summers. I am so very glad we let them have those opportunities every year.
Now that Sue is gone from us, we can't share our everyday thoughts with her, but I am sure she has convinced God that she should have a ring-side seat to watch over her family!
Happy Birthday Sue. We love you!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tag, You're It....

Alyson has challenged me to answer eleven questions, so I will do my best. may be tagged to do the same!!!!

First Things First, The Rules:

  • You must post the rules.
  • Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
  • Tag eleven people and link them on your post
  • Let them know you've tagged them!

Here are eleven fun facts about me:

1. I am the baby of 12 children - 6 boys and 6 girls.

2. I have visited 40 of the United States.

3. I have been bitten by a snake - non-poisonous.

4. I went to school with Vince Gill for a week.

5. I worked for a U.S. Senator and have met a President and Vice-President.

6. I have dug sapphires and panned for gold - and found both!

7. My first car was a 1964 Buick Special convertible - white with a red interior.

8. I would love to go on Jeopardy, but am deathly afraid I would freeze, or just embarrass myself in some other absurd way.

9. I have no desire to go to Hawaii, except to mark it off my 50-state list.

10. One thing I would love to do is go deep see fishing and catch a Marlin or Swordfish!

11. I collect: elephants, crocks and rolling pins.

Here are the questions Alyson has asked me to answer:

1. Would you rather be in prison for the rest of your life, or stranded on a deserted island with your closest loved ones for the rest of your life? (Assuming this is a tropical deserted island with plenty of food and such.)
I would absolutely prefer the deserted island. Since I have never been to the tropics, it would be quite an adventure. I especially would love to share it will all my family.

2. What was your biggest worry in high school? (Friends, grades, boys, acne, sports, something else?)
I think my biggest worry in high school was what was I going to do with the rest of my life? I am the first in my family to graduate college. Higher education was not a big priority in my family, but I was blessed with parents who let me spread my wings and fly.

3. If you had to be a character in a movie, who would you want to be?
Anyone that was able to work with elephants!!

4. Would you choose an all-expense paid trip around the world (as many destinations as you want, for however long you want it to be, including your spouse and family if you want), or would you rather have $1 million cash here and now?
I would rather have the money. I could give to some of my favorite charities and have enough left over to visit places around the world that I really wanted to see.

5. If you had to go a year and eat only 5 foods, what would you choose? (Let's assume your nutritional needs are taken care of by a vitamin of some sort.)
A. Prime Rib with baked potato.
B. Almost anything Italian.
C. Really good Mexican food - preferably from Ted's in OKC.
D. Coconut Cream Pie
E. Fried Chicken.

6. What is your favorite physical feature on yourself?
I think I have a nice, open, friendly smile.

7. What is your very first memory as a child?
Holding my mom's hand, walking up the steps of the nursing home where my Dad's mom was living. I was 18 months old when she died.

8. If you had to move to another country, which country would you choose and why?
I would probably choose Germany. It is centrally located in Europe and I don't butcher that language as badly as I do French and Italian.

9. What movie can you watch over and over and over again?
Any of the original Star Wars movies. I have seen them dozens of times and still love them!!

10. What is one job that you'd like to do, but can't or wouldn't because of circumstances? (circumstances such as: it doesn't pay well enough, the hours are bad, you don't live in a place where there's a great need for marine biologists, you don't have the body type to be a professional figure skater...)
My dream job would involve working with elephants.

11. What is your secret phobia? (I'm not talking spiders or being alone or public speaking, I'm talking about the weird and totally irrational one that you don't like to admit to.)
Believe it or not, its pickles. I completely detest even the sight of them. It makes my stomach queasy just thinking of them!!

Now for the questions for my victims, um friends!!

1. If you could live in any period of history, except the present, when would it be and why?

2. If you could meet one famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

3. Which super power would you choose: super strength invisibility, x-ray vision, or flight?

4. What book can you read over and over?

5. What is your most secret desire?

6. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

7. Omitting God and Jesus, what Bible character would you like to interview? What would your opening question be?

8. If you could live in any city/state in America, where would it be and why?

9. What do you want your legacy to be?

10. If you could tell a deceased loved one just one more thing, who would it be and what would you tell them?

11. If you could eat one sweet every day without repercussions, what would it be?

Now for the next victims:

1. Shyla

2. Alyson

3. Peggy

4. Bri

5. Amanda

6. Dave & Anna

Have fun with it, I did!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter, where are you??????????

It is January 4th, and it is supposed to be 56 degrees today and 58 degrees tomorrow. Whatever happened to winter?
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of ice, sleet, temperatures below freezing, etc., but I am becoming afraid that when winter hits it will hit us like an anvil in the head.
We have had crazy weather this entire year. Our spring was the wettest in history, our summer was so short as to be non-existent, and now winter is missing in action.
Oh well, might as well enjoy it while we can! Now what did I do with my golf clubs?????