Another of Lily's favorite things was to swing.

She also got to ride on our friend Gene's ATV.

Lily also got to put her feet into the icy water of the creek. BRRRRRR!

Now to the reason for the title. We had a two year old black bear that kept appearing in our camp. He didn't seem like he wanted to cause trouble, he was just curious. We saw him several times throughout the week. We also saw a grizzly sow and two cubs. (I don't have pictures of them.) Never have I seen a bear in this camp in the 19 years I have been going there. It was quite thrilling to see this many this year.

This is our entire group at Family camp. There were about 135 of us. We had a great time renewing old friendships, making new ones, and studying God's Word. Even before the week is over, I am always anticipating the next year.

I would wish for you all that you have such an opportunity to share fellowship with like-minded people and feast on God's Word.
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ReplyDeleteCool! You're finally not bear repellent! I'm glad nobody got eaten, though! :)