We spent Thanksgiving weekend with Alyson, Jim & Lily. It was a great time of food, fun, and fellowship. Alyson provided us with wonderful - no surprise to anyone who knows her - and Lily provided us with lots of entertainment. Jim and Bruce accomplished a couple of projects around the house and Gramby got to veg out and play with Lily.
Here is a picture of the "spread" from which we obtained our "spread"!!!
Here's Bruce helping out with the housework. We took down Thanksgiving and put up Christmas.

Here I am chilling with Lily. She loves to play with her daddy's "toys".

Here I am chilling with Lily. She loves to play with her daddy's "toys".
As I end this blog about Thanksgiving, I want to leave you with this quote....
Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day. ~Robert Caspar Lintner
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