We spent this past week at Family camp. We were fortunate to be joined by Jim, Alyson, Lily and Grace. Their friend Shelly was also able to attend. It was a wonderful week weather-wise and we had a great time of fellowship with old and new friends.

Here is our beautiful Lily posing with her "flower".

Lily wanted to fish so Geezer took her fishing in the canal (the river was MUCH too high). Much to all of our amazement, she caught a fish!!!

Grace had so much fun just playing in the dirt.

On our day off, we went swimming at Chico Hot Springs. Bruce spent his time working on his computer while we swam.

One afternoon came a terrific rain storm. Lily wanted to play in the rain, so she was allowed to get soaking wet and muddy and she had a BALL!!

We were visited a couple of times by a very small bear. He seemed very sickly and/or injured. Here he is up a tree trying to escape prying eyes.

Lily LOVED the playground. She played on the swings and the slide and the climbing wall.

Grace's birthday was on Saturday, so we had a little party for her. She loved her gifts.

One day, while in line for a meal, Lily was a little fussy, so her dad told her to sit in the chair until he came back for her. This is what he found when he returned.

Here is a gratuitous smile from Miss Grace.

Grace loved to walk!!! At the first of the week, she didn't want to let go, but by the end of the week she was doing very well by herself.

I think Lily really loved everything about camp!!!

People weren't the only families at camp. This nest contained three little Robin babies. It was so much fun watching the parents take turns feeding them and tending the nest.

On Friday night we have a "no-talent" night. Lily got up and sang Row, Row, Row Your Boat. She did a great job!!!
Here are all of the wonderful people we spent time with this week. There were about 145 of us and we enjoyed great food, great fellowship, great lessons, and great weather. God truly blessed us this week!!!

I will leave you with one gratuitous shot of a flower. God's nature is a beautiful marvel!!!
Looks like fun!
ReplyDeleteAwesome ... we have to get back there one year.
ReplyDeleteWe had a ton of fun! Lilypie and Goo had a lot of fun getting to play with their grandparents.