Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We have just moved into our "new-to-us" house in Billings. When we first moved to Billings, we wanted to down size. Our only problem was we down sized too much. Bruce had no place to ply his favorite hobby of woodworking. So we have now Up sized!!! We are moving from a 1766 square foot house to a 47oo square foot house. (2,000 square feet are an unfinished basement - Bruce's new workshop!!) Everything we use on a daily basis - Master bedroom, office, kitchen, laundry, living area - are on the main floor, so I don't have to do stairs too often. It will take us a while to become all settled. Mostly because we still have a huge storage unit to empty - Yippee!! It will be like Christmas, then we'll have a garage sale!!!!!

Now that we have extra room, we expect visitors. Ya'll come!!


  1. Yay for more room! I'm excited to see your new house!

  2. Sounds like fun. Hey you're not moving in January, what's wrong with you?

  3. Congrats on the new house! Alyson was telling us about the big move, it should be great to have the extra room.

    Thanks for your wonderful comments. Especially the one about Abby looking like me. :-)
