Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January Blahs.....

There isn't much going on right now in our household. That's why I haven't written for a while. The "January Blahs" have set in. We have had a ton of snow. Last weekend it snowed all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We have about 14 inches on the ground, which makes it hard to get around on city streets. Each trip out of the house is a test of nerve and agility, so you only get out when absolutely necessary, which in turn stokes the fires of cabin fever!!! A never-ending cycle.

BUT... February will be here soon and with it a trip to Phoenix. YEAH!!! It has been a couple of years since we have been down to visit Bruce's parents, so we are heading south for sun and, more importantly, GOLF!!! I have been experiencing the golf DT's recently and can hardly wait to slice a ball far to the left (or right - whichever)!!! Wii golf can only go so far to feeding my addiction!! Of course it will be great to visit with Bruce's folks. We always enjoy the time spent with them.

Along with the January blahs is also the "I miss my kids blues". It hasn't been too long since we saw Jim, Alyson and Lily (Thanksgiving)(but even this is too long to go without a hug from a granddaughter!!!), but it has been far too long since we have seen Shyla & Clay (August). Oh for the days when you could grow up, live, and have your kids live in the same town. Since this isn't possible, I guess we just make due with visits as often as possible.

One thing that has been fun lately is that Lily will call and is learning to say "I love you Gaga." I absolutely love to hear her say that. Alyson will also put her through her verbal paces with all her new words. Her vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds. She is now speaking in sentences - albeit of her own concoction occasionally. What we really need to do is video conference more often. I don't want her to forget what Gaga looks like.

Well, enough rambling. I will end with an upbeat quote for the day.....

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. Victor Hugo


  1. Come & visit OK in the spring. We'll have better weather than you do and you may get to see a tornado!

  2. Phoenix in February is always a nice idea! Jim and I have been trying to figure out when we can get down to see Gma and Papa, and we decidedly want to go when it's crummy up here, and nice down there :)

    I can't believe you guys have snow! It snowed here Monday but melted by about 10:00am. It's too warm here!! :(

  3. We are going to see what we can do ... I will have school until Aug 8th though. We miss you too ...
