Saturday, April 17, 2010


Since Spring has finally arrived, I thought I would share a couple of pictures of the flowers in my garden. Since we didn't move into this house until mid Summer last year, I am not responsible for the beautiful flower beds. Believe me, if I had planted them, they would not be beautiful. I pretty much have a black thumb.

Be that as it may, the previous owners had green thumbs and I am reaping the benefit of their expertise. Hopefully I can avoid killing them off.

In other Spring-y news,l golf starts on Tuesday night. I hope it doesn't matter that I haven't golfed since we went to Phoenix in March. Hopefully I won't golf my best since we set handicaps that night.

The countdown has also begun to the arrival of Shyla & Clay. Only four more days to go and they will be here. YEAH!!! I can't wait to see them. Hopefully the weather will stay nice for their visit.

It has been a busy weekend so far. We spent the entire morning working to clean the church building, and hospitality house. There was a lot accomplished. Many hands make light work!!!

That's about it for updated news. I hope all of my faithful readers are having a glorious Spring as well!!!


  1. Great flowers. Can't wait to see the yard!

  2. Ooh, those are pretty flowers. You'll have to take a picture of the whole garden sometime. My daffodils are in full bloom, but I'm just starting to get buds on the tulips so I think I'll wait a bit before I post pictures of mine.

  3. I need to plant some bulbs for Tulips and Daffodils - I love them but don't have them in my yard. Love the flowers...and glad that the weather is looking up there! :)

  4. We have a garden too ... food stuff though not as pretty.
